Superviseur de processus ECS
avec visualisation

Le superviseur de processus ECS (SCADA) est conçu pour visualiser et piloter des processus de traitement thermiques industriels. Il comprend toutes les fonctions nécessaires pour commander, observer et consigner les processus. Outre la visualisation des installations, l‘ECS offre une analyse de données et des possibilités de consignation importantes.
Il est possible d‘exploiter jusqu‘à 16 installations dans un ensemble relié avec modules intégrés pour configuration, création et gestion de programmes, utilisation en ligne avec visualisation et fonctions enregistrement, analyse et gestion des données de lots et conception d‘illustration d‘exploitation pour visualisation de processus.
Les différents composants du programme traitent les différents paramètres ou mettent des fonctions étendues à disposition. L‘ECS offre des fonctions pour une utilisation simple et sûre des processus et également l‘intégration d‘exigences techniques de processus (réglage de l‘indice de nitruration, diffusion en ligne, simulation de carburation) pour une procédure moderne de traitement thermique. TELEPHONY permet l‘envoi de messages d‘alarme par e-mail.
Domaines d‘application :
- Installations de trempe métal
- Installations de recuit et de forge
- Fours céramiques
- Chambres climatiques de froid
- Autoclaves (denrées alimentaires/pharmacie)
- Autoclaves verre
- Autoclaves aéronautique
- Fours semi-conducteurs
- Fours de laboratoire
... etc.
Fonctions :
- Utilisation simple et structure d‘opération entièrement uniformisée dans tous les modules
- Optimisé pour l‘utilisation avec les régulateurs de programme STAGE E-4xx, SE-5xx, SE-6xx, SE-7xx et Siemens S7
- Système d‘exploitation Windows 7 / 10 / 11
- Création et gestion de programmes pour 9.999 programmes
- Impression rapport graphique et tabulaire
- Utilisation en ligne des installations avec visualisation et fonction enregistreur
- Analyse et gestion des données de lots
- Analyse graphique avec comparaison des courbes de processus
- Représentation graphique de courbes de valeurs de consigne et de pistes numériques
- Impression de protocoles de lots avec prévisualisation à l‘écran
- Aperçu tabulaire des lots avec fonctions filtrage/recherche
- Conception d‘illustration d‘exploitation pour visualisation de processus
- Diminution des travaux d‘étude de projet par duplication d‘installations
- Programme de configuration
- Sauvegarde, gestion et analyse de données de lots
- Aperçu des données de processus tabulaire ou d‘arborescence
- Dessinateur d‘installation pour visualisation avec bibliothèque de symboles
- Visualisation et sauvegarde de données de mesure pour Siemens S7 ainsi que d‘autres systèmes assistés par OPC
- Pilote OPC pour appareils STANGE
- Réplication ECS pour sauvegarde de données des lots dans un répertoire en amont
Options :
- Message d‘alarme par e-mail
- Logiciel de simulation de carburation avec base de données de matières intégrée
- Réglage du nombre nitrurations sur le PC
- Précalcul de la profondeur de trempe de nitruration au PC
- Interface ECS vers le logiciel Office TTC pour trempe ou autr es systèmes ERP
- Contrat de maintenance de logiciel
Interface between ECS and SQL
The software module exports values, alarms and batch header data from the ECS software to a Microsoft SQL Server. Beginning from version 5.0.8.
The export runs automatically in the background and gets start and end form ECS StatusControl tool.
The monitoring of day files must be activated inside ECS system configuration.
Microsoft SQL-Express-Server or SQL-Server.
Interface between process control system ECS and the administration management system of TTC Informatik with the following functions:
- Automatic recipe replication
New recipe names in ECS are automatically transferred to AMS
- Automatic recipe download
In AMS a batch is prepared and transferred together with the recipe name and plant number to ECS. The recipe is loaded from ECS automatically to the chosen controller. The start must be carried out on the SE-controller.
- Transfer batch data
The AMS batch number and the order information (order no, client etc.) are transferred from AMS to ECS. ECS stores the AMS batch numbers in one of the 20 data fields (configurable) of the evaluation and the AMS order information in the comment field.
- Batch evaluation access out of AMS
Out of AMS, the ECS evaluation (ECS-2K-AW) can be selected with the appropriate batch file via the AMS batch number and can be analysed. For each PC, where this function should be possible, an additional licence of ECS-AW-1 is required.
- Sending of status information to AMS
ECS-AMS transmits also the status information "batch is running" / "batch is not running" to AMS
The implementation must always be carried out by an employee of STANGE Elektronik. In case of a good and steady online connection, the implementation can be executed via remote access.
Batch graph as PDF/PNG file for ECS-AMS
Option for ECS-AMS.
At batch end a PDF or PNG file (configurable) is automatically created and transferred with the AMS batch number as file name to the AMS program (Fa. TTC).
The license is required for each ECS-PC.
Diagrams, alarms, batch header data etc. are selectively contained in the ECS batch documentation. The content of the ECS batch documentation as well as the configuration of the used graphic templates is configured during start-up according to customer's specifications.
The control system software ECS communicates with SIMATIC S7-300 and/or SIMATIC S7-400 controllers via OPC (OLE for Process Control).
SIEMENS, SOFTING and INAT (restricted) OPC servers are supported.
Data exchange takes place over a software interface, contained in the scope of supply, which must be integrated into the user project. This interface makes a standardized OPC namespace available over a symbolism.
Communication with the S7 is made by this symbolism. An addressing over the absolute addresses of variables and I/Os is not necessary.
By this procedure a simple connection of SIMATIC S7 controllers to the control system ECS is ensured.
The S7 interface is available in two versions:
Full Version:
All features of the ECS visualization can be used. Both display and recording of process values, and the binding to a program controller and up-/download of recipes is implemented in the full version.
Lite Version:
For the visualization and recording of process values. Not all standard pages and functions of ECS are available.
Depending upon kind of the connection (Ethernet or MPI), appropriate interfaces must be present in SIMATIC S7 control and in the PC.
The definition of devices that can be connected to the process control system ECS takes place over the ECS Unit Control. Apart from our own program controllers and automation systems (SE-4xx, SE-5xx, SE-6xx, SE-7xx), there are already pre-defined S7 controllers. For SIEMENS, Softing and INAT S7-OPC-server is available in each case a control in the full and lite version. The use of these pre-defined S7 controllers simplifies the connection to the control system ECS, because configuration errors are impossible. A manual change and also the creation of your own configuration is likewise possible respectively.
Variations of possible communication connection:
Industrial Ethernet
Manufacturer | OPC Server | PLC Hardware | Specifics |
Siemens | IE SOFTNET-S7 V6.2 6 GK1704-1CW62-3AA0 |
e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
Siemens | IE SOFTNET-S7 Lean / 20056 GK1704-1LW63-3AA0 |
e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
Supports only max. 8 connections |
Softing | S7/S5 OPC-Server V3.0 | e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
INAT | OPC-Server TCPIP-S | e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 and/or S7-TCP/IP von INAT |
For Siemens and INAT CPs |
INAT | OPC-Server TCPIP-I | S7-TCP/IP of INAT | Only for INAT CPs |
Profibus (S7 protocol over MPI interface)
Manufacturer | OPC Server | PLC Hardware | PC Hardware |
Siemens | PB SOFTNET-S7 / 2005 6GK1704-5CW63-3AA0 |
No special hardware needed, the existing MPI interface of the CPU is used. |
CP 5611 PCI-Karte 6GK1561-1AA00 |
Softing | S7/S5 OPC-Server V3.0 | No special hardware needed, the existing MPI interface of the CPU is used. |
PROFIboard PCI (1 channel) |
The components specified in the product overview are not contained in our scope of supply.
Due to the simpler configuration we recommend the use of Softing OPC server.
System requirements
Windows 7, 10, 11 starting with Home-Edition (Starter Edition is not supported);
In combination with other languages than English and German the Ultimate-Edition is recommended.
Additional system requirements of respective OPC server are to be considered!
Minimum system requirements for ECS version 6.xx
- Windows 10: including Framework 3.5 (Framework installation via Internet during ECS installation possible. Alternatively via Windows DVD with the tool
"\Framework3.5SP1\SetupMsFrameworkWindows10" from the ECS DVD)
(Starting with ECS version 6.0, Framework 3.5 is no longer used. Instead, the Windows integrated framework version 4.x.x is used). - Windows 11: Starting with version ECS version 6.0
- Windows Server 2022: Starting from version ECS version 6.0. Attention! ECS runs under server systems, but it is still bound to a single user login. It does NOT run as a service. Thus, access from outside cannot take place via multiple RDP sessions of multiple users. The user must remain logged in.
- File system: NTFS
- Any computer that is suitable for the operating system mentioned above
- Recommended i5 12th generation or newer.
- Min. 4 GB RAM. Recommended 8GB.
- Possibly DVD-ROM drive für Installation.
- Approx. 10 GB free storage capacity on the hard disk (for installation)
- NIC (Network Interface Card); in combination with 6 series controllers an additional network interface is recommended to separate the field network from the office network
- One free COM-Port per 4 units for controllers of the 4th and 5th generations
- Internet connection via Ethernet for "Remote"
- Internet connection via Ethernet for „TELEFONY“
- Minimum: 1024 * 768 pixels (16 Bit)
- Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Recipe Manager
Unit Control