ECS 上位机软件系统

配备 ECS 的自动化热处理设备
ECS 上位机软件系统 (SCADA) 设计用于工业热处理过程的可视化及控制。满足所有控制、监视并记录过程的必要功能。除设备可视化外,ECS 还提供各种数据评估及记录功能。
通过配置、程序创建及管理集成模块,具有可视化和记录功能的在线操作集成模块, 具有管理功能的批数据评估集成模块和过程可视化的操作图像设计的集成模
块,该控制系统可在系统网络中最多控制16 台设备。
不同的程序元件处理不同的参数及 / 或提供其他功能。ECS 为现代热处理方法提供各种功能,以便轻松实现过程运行,并节省和集成过程控制要求(氮势控制、在线扩散、渗碳模拟)。电话功能(TELEPHONY)设计用于通过 E-mail 和短信 进行警报通知。
- 金属淬火设备
- 电热系统及锻造生产线
- 陶瓷炉
- 冷箱及老化试验箱
- 高压釜(食品 / 药品)
- 玻璃高压釜
- 飞机工业高压釜
- 半导体炉
- 实验室炉
... 以及更多设备
- 配备 ECS 的自动化热处理设备
- 在所有模块中实现处理简便并且持续统一的用户界面
- 针对斯坦格程序控制器 SE-4xx、SE-5xx、SE-6xx, SE-7xx 及西门子S7 的使用进行优化
- 操作系统为 WINDOWS 7/10/11
- 可进行最多 9999 个程序的程序创建及管理
- 可打印图形及图表报告
- 在线设备操作具有可视化及记录功能
- 批处理数据的评估及管理
- 可与过程曲线进行图形化评估比较
- 设定值曲线及数字量开关的图形显示
- 打印批处理协议,并可通过屏幕预览
- 具有过滤 / 检索功能的图表批处理概览
- 用于过程可视化的运行图形设计
- 通过设备的简单复制,降低项目工作量
- 配置程序
- 批处理数据的存储、管理及评估
- 过程数据概述表格或树形结构图
- 用于带符号库的过程可视化的运行图片设计
- 西门子 S7 及其它 OPC 兼容系统的测量数据可视化及存储
- 斯坦格设备的 OPC 驱动器
- 在上级目录中进行 ECS 复制,用于批处理数据的备份
- 通过 E-mail 进行警报通知
- 具有一体化材料数据库的渗碳模拟软件
- 在 PC 上进行渗氮指数的计算
- 在 PC 上进行渗氮表面深度的计算
- 办公室 TTC 软件的 ECS 接口,用于淬火车间或其它 ERP 系统
- 软件维护合同
Interface between ECS and SQL
The software module exports values, alarms and batch header data from the ECS software to a Microsoft SQL Server. Beginning from version 5.0.8.
The export runs automatically in the background and gets start and end form ECS StatusControl tool.
The monitoring of day files must be activated inside ECS system configuration.
Microsoft SQL-Express-Server or SQL-Server.
Interface between process control system ECS and the administration management system of TTC Informatik with the following functions:
- Automatic recipe replication
New recipe names in ECS are automatically transferred to AMS
- Automatic recipe download
In AMS a batch is prepared and transferred together with the recipe name and plant number to ECS. The recipe is loaded from ECS automatically to the chosen controller. The start must be carried out on the SE-controller.
- Transfer batch data
The AMS batch number and the order information (order no, client etc.) are transferred from AMS to ECS. ECS stores the AMS batch numbers in one of the 20 data fields (configurable) of the evaluation and the AMS order information in the comment field.
- Batch evaluation access out of AMS
Out of AMS, the ECS evaluation (ECS-2K-AW) can be selected with the appropriate batch file via the AMS batch number and can be analysed. For each PC, where this function should be possible, an additional licence of ECS-AW-1 is required.
- Sending of status information to AMS
ECS-AMS transmits also the status information "batch is running" / "batch is not running" to AMS
The implementation must always be carried out by an employee of STANGE Elektronik. In case of a good and steady online connection, the implementation can be executed via remote access.
Batch graph as PDF/PNG file for ECS-AMS
Option for ECS-AMS.
At batch end a PDF or PNG file (configurable) is automatically created and transferred with the AMS batch number as file name to the AMS program (Fa. TTC).
The license is required for each ECS-PC.
Diagrams, alarms, batch header data etc. are selectively contained in the ECS batch documentation. The content of the ECS batch documentation as well as the configuration of the used graphic templates is configured during start-up according to customer's specifications.
The control system software ECS communicates with SIMATIC S7-300 and/or SIMATIC S7-400 controllers via OPC (OLE for Process Control).
SIEMENS, SOFTING and INAT (restricted) OPC servers are supported.
Data exchange takes place over a software interface, contained in the scope of supply, which must be integrated into the user project. This interface makes a standardized OPC namespace available over a symbolism.
Communication with the S7 is made by this symbolism. An addressing over the absolute addresses of variables and I/Os is not necessary.
By this procedure a simple connection of SIMATIC S7 controllers to the control system ECS is ensured.
The S7 interface is available in two versions:
Full Version:
All features of the ECS visualization can be used. Both display and recording of process values, and the binding to a program controller and up-/download of recipes is implemented in the full version.
Lite Version:
For the visualization and recording of process values. Not all standard pages and functions of ECS are available.
Depending upon kind of the connection (Ethernet or MPI), appropriate interfaces must be present in SIMATIC S7 control and in the PC.
The definition of devices that can be connected to the process control system ECS takes place over the ECS Unit Control. Apart from our own program controllers and automation systems (SE-4xx, SE-5xx, SE-6xx, SE-7xx), there are already pre-defined S7 controllers. For SIEMENS, Softing and INAT S7-OPC-server is available in each case a control in the full and lite version. The use of these pre-defined S7 controllers simplifies the connection to the control system ECS, because configuration errors are impossible. A manual change and also the creation of your own configuration is likewise possible respectively.
Variations of possible communication connection:
Industrial Ethernet
Manufacturer | OPC Server | PLC Hardware | Specifics |
Siemens | IE SOFTNET-S7 V6.2 6 GK1704-1CW62-3AA0 |
e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
Siemens | IE SOFTNET-S7 Lean / 20056 GK1704-1LW63-3AA0 |
e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
Supports only max. 8 connections |
Softing | S7/S5 OPC-Server V3.0 | e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 |
INAT | OPC-Server TCPIP-S | e.g. CP 343-1 für S7-300 or CP 443-1 für S7-400 and/or S7-TCP/IP from INAT |
For Siemens and INAT CPs |
INAT | OPC-Server TCPIP-I | S7-TCP/IP from INAT | Only for INAT CPs |
Profibus (S7 protocol over MPI interface)
Manufacturer | OPC Server | PLC Hardware | PC Hardware |
Siemens | PB SOFTNET-S7 / 2005 6GK1704-5CW63-3AA0 |
No special hardware needed, the existing MPI interface of the CPU is used. | CP 5611 PCI Board 6GK1561-1AA00 |
Softing | S7/S5 OPC-Server V3.0 | No special hardware needed, the existing MPI interface of the CPU is used. | PROFIboard PCI (1-channel) |
The components specified in the product overview are not contained in our scope of supply.
Due to the simpler configuration we recommend the use of Softing OPC server.
System requirements
Windows 7, 10, 11 starting with Home-Edition (Starter Edition is not supported);
In combination with other languages than English and German the Ultimate-Edition is recommended.
Additional system requirements of respective OPC server are to be considered!
Minimum system requirements for ECS version 6.xx
- Windows 10: including Framework 3.5 (Framework installation via Internet during ECS installation possible. Alternatively via Windows DVD with the tool
"\Framework3.5SP1\SetupMsFrameworkWindows10" from the ECS DVD)
(Starting with ECS version 6.0, Framework 3.5 is no longer used. Instead, the Windows integrated framework version 4.x.x is used). - Windows 11: Starting with version ECS version 6.0
- Windows Server 2022: Starting from version ECS version 6.0. Attention! ECS runs under server systems, but it is still bound to a single user login. It does NOT run as a service. Thus, access from outside cannot take place via multiple RDP sessions of multiple users. The user must remain logged in.
- File system: NTFS
- Any computer that is suitable for the operating system mentioned above
- Recommended i5 12th generation or newer.
- Min. 4 GB RAM. Recommended 8GB.
- Possibly DVD-ROM drive für Installation.
- Approx. 10 GB free storage capacity on the hard disk (for installation)
- NIC (Network Interface Card); in combination with 6 series controllers an additional network interface is recommended to separate the field network from the office network
- One free COM-Port per 4 units for controllers of the 4th and 5th generations
- Internet connection via Ethernet for "Remote"
- Internet connection via Ethernet for „TELEFONY“
- Minimum: 1024 * 768 pixels (16 Bit)
- Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)