Discontinuation: Program Controller SE-404

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After almost 25 years of successful operation and more than 5000 delivered devices we had stopped the production at the end of 2015 due to non-availability of components. Spare parts and repairs are yet possible because boards and components are in stock. We can guarantee spare parts and repairs for devices which are delivered in the past 10 years.

The programmers are almost more than 20 years in operation due to the high quality of our products. We recommend a retrofit to new equipment technology in the coming year 2016 for devices older than 15 years (SN-No. below 21000) in order to ensure the function and guaranteed future of your plant.

We have developed a concept in order to offer a simple, fast and cost-efficient changeover to current technologies. It is a precondition that your SE-404 programmer is already fully functional so that configuration data can be readout.

The readout configuration is transferred into the configuration compatible and new developed SE-702 controller. After that the device can be reintegrated to your plant and be operated. Renewed operation and control of your plant can be realized fast and without major effort because the device and functional principle are nearly identical.

Further information about the Replacement Box:

Please contact our sales department if you have any questions or need a non-binding price quotation.

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