ECS Process Step Wizard (PSW)
Predefined program segment flow charts for complex control tasks

In the case of complex processes like e.g. carburizing many set values and control tracks must be entered. In the general view of the 6xx devices a good overview of all configured set values and control tracks is offered. If many set values and control tracks are available for selection but not all values are relevant in each segment at the same time, then a user guided program input is an optimal solution. Only values that are really relevant for the segment are offered to the operator for input.
For the implementation of the program segment input sequences a graphic editor is needed for the configuration and a user guided program input in the automation device.
The Windows software Process Step Wizard (PSW) is the tool for configuration and administration of program segment input sequences. Here input sequences are assigned to the program segments, which are then executed exactly like defined in the PSW program input at PC or in the device. A simple and intuitive software operation makes a fast realization possible. The created configuration is loaded into the SE-6xx control via FTP transfer.
Program segments for the corresponding segment configured in the program segment sequence (PSW) are sequentially displayed in the device and can be inputted and/or changed.
Only relevant values are displayed to the operator and thus clarity is increased and incorrect entries are avoided.
- Graphic editor with clearly arranged operating structure
- Arbitrary number of program sequence plans can be created
- Sequence plan plausibility check according to underlying configuration (e. g. interlocks etc.)
- Sequence plan export in PNG format e. g. for documentation
- The assignment of sequence plan to a device can be changed
- Loading PSW configuration via FTP transfer into the SE-6xx device
- Deleting PSW configuration in the device is possible
- Values of a segment are offered to the operator one after the other in a logical sequence for input
- Minimization of incorrect entries
- Online language switching
- Used with STANGE SE-6xx controls
- Operating system Windows 7/10